Wednesday, July 11, 2012

a new batch of michelle-isms

my dear daughter is almost 6 years old.  she still cracks us up sometimes with her funny words but lately, she has been asking us some difficult are some of the things she has asked lately:

'Mommy, what happens to the earth when the world ends?'

'Mommy, why are there other planets and not just the earth? what are the other planets there for?'

'Mommy, what's a hypothesis?' 

did you notice her questions are mostly scientific?  hmmmm i wonder what she'll be when she grows up.  =)

1 comment:

EdgardoVOlaes said...

The 6-year-old Michelle knows how to ask many trivial questions. I think her choice books from your library are the biographies of Albert Eintein, and Stephen Hawking. Someday, her ambition will have to be attained as a university Physics professor, or NASA scientist, or astronomer. If she doesn't like all of the above — she might land being a very popular columnist of The New York Times as an astrologist (for Zodiac signs).
From Edgardo Valentino D. Olaes
PS: God bless you Michelle, and your mom ASC, and your dad too.


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