Wednesday, September 30, 2009

i've been quiet

because i have just been too busy. i don't usually blog about work, i try my best not to mix work with my personal life but last week was CRAZY busy for me. i typed a long story about how insane last week was, but better to really not blog about work, even though i know for sure what i write will not get me into trouble...but better safe than sorry, so let's just leave it at that.

my car broke down last week after already spending almost two thousand dollars to get stuff fixed. something else broke down and looks like i will be spending another several hundred bucks to get it working. i'm using chel's clunker of a car which i have no right to complain about because at least i don't have to pay for a rental but that darn thing is a pain in the rear to drive. my car is still broken. it's sitting in the drive way waiting for the dealer to call to say that the part we ordered has arrived.

the good news is, my coworker's back from vacation (hurrah!) and so i'm no longer stressed at work. i have normal days now when i can actually walk out of the office and grab something to eat and leave after i've put in my normal 8 hours. the project i'm working on is nearing its end and i'm hoping to see the presidents (current and former)at the president's cup at harding park. we're getting closer to closing on the house's refinance for a better mortgage rate (thanks to THE BANK).

i have some quiet time right now to write while michelle is with the grandparents at costco. church tonight!

our ceo is stepping down at the end of the year, but you didn't hear that from me!


laieesha said...

so... did u go see michael jordan yet??

ASC said...

i have a date with him today.


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