Monday, February 02, 2009

E.R. part two

we went back to the er for another round of tests and another round of a mega-upset 2 year old. hospital visits are never fun no matter what your age.

we are still in portland; still unsure whether or not my daughter will be well enough to fly back to san francisco tomorrow. southwest was kind enough to reschedule us again for tomorrow without having to pay for the difference in airfare which is not their standard procedure. if we can't fly out tomorrow, i'll book us a flight on ua or alaska that will take us straight to sfo instead of oak so michelle can be home sooner.

my husband and i are exhausted and i can only imagine what my daughter must be going through. my hats off to all the other parents out there who've been through so much more than what we're going through.

michelle's really weak and lethargic. but there are moments throughout the day where we see the same old michelle who loves to sing and dance and laugh. i'm confident that she will get well very very soon. my husband and i, along with the doctors would rather err on the side of caution and examine her thoroughly than regret it later on.

thank you all for thinking of her and praying for her.


laieesha said...

aaaww my poor baby.... hope she feels better!!!! i'll go to ur house when u get home k?

ASC said...

sure ninang lai. chances are we will be home on thursday. she's asked for you at least 5 times in the last 9 days. walang halong bola. =)


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