Tuesday, September 16, 2008

watching wall street go by

the reality of america's financial crisis has been very real to me. gas prices are astronomical as well as other goods and services. but it hit too close for comfort when news spread on sunday that a major bank was discussing a merger with our company.

as i read the headline on msnbc, my jaw dropped and i immediately texted my boss. 'have you heard the news!???!?!?! _____ is going to buy us!?!?!?!? did you know!?!??!!?' i was obviously in a state of shock! i don't think i've ever used that many question marks and exclamation points in a single text message. my boss, cool as always, texted me and said, 'i just found out today as well. i'm keeping an eye on the news because that's where all my information is coming from.'

i was heartbroken. i am very proud of our company, the culture, it's outstanding employees, the name, the brand. it is a great company to work for, maybe not the best, but i think we are still compensated well and the benefits are good. i can't believe that by january, out stock ticker will seize to exist. word is that we will be keeping our brand name but below it will probably say, 'a subsidiary of (name of our buyer)'.

in the office monday morning, you can tell that there is a dark cloud over everyone. it was business as usual but it was a struggle to get through the day when so much seems so uncertain. the whole company tuned in to our ceo as he held an town hall meeting from our headquarters in new york. he answered several questions with, 'we don't have the answer to that yet...' and 'that has not been discussed as of the weekend' i understand that this is all brand new to everyone and not all the bases have been covered (that's why the process isn't complete until january) but uncertainty brings about fear. there were some tears on the trading floor yesterday...tears of frustration and sadness. we still believe in our brand and we know for a fact that we are still a highly profitable company, but after seeing bear stearns and lehman brothers crumble to pieces, we dare not follow their footsteps. our ceo and the board had to act quickly before it was too late.

g.s., one of our biggest competitors, just reported an earnings decrease of 70%. rumor has it that they and m.s. (another competitor) have been advised by the fed to find themselves a buyer by next year. none of the independent brokerage firms will survive this crisis. wall street is changing before our eyes, and it's not a pretty picture.

where do i stand in all of this? like i said, i was heart broken and i am saddened by the whole thing. but at the same time i am thankful that our company is finding a solution before it's too late. am i worried? of course this news will shake me a little bit. but i know that God is in control and i know His plans for me is to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me hope and a good future. All things work together for good, to them that love the Lord. He reminds me of Job who lost everything he ever owned, his family and his friends, and yet one thing he held on to so dearly was his faith in God. God saw how much Job trusted him despite everything that happened in his life, and so as a result, God showed his wonderful glory in Job's life and restored everything back and more. The Lord gives, and He takes away. everything i have is the Lord's, i am but a humble steward. if he chooses to take away the livelihood, then His will be done. i will continue to praise him and tell the world of his goodness. i know he has wonderful plans for me. the psalmist writes in psalm 37:25, "i once was young but now i am old, and yet i have never seen the godly forsaken nor their children begging bread'. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. i know that He will always be my strength, and my provider. there are many things in this world that i do not have control over, but i serve a faithful God who is always in control. he is our greatest treasure. no great job, not even all the money in the world can provide the security that he can.

so, i tell my self over and over, if God is for us, who can stand against us?

1 comment:

laieesha said...

chel told me about this... i didn't know your company would get rocked by the current market. I mean, yes, the market has declined, but I thought your company was solid and stable and didn't have to worry. Guess I was wrong... So what does this mean for YOU? I'm working tomorrow at the resto... can I go there after?? will you be awake?


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