Tuesday, June 06, 2006

stuck between a rock and a hard place

i've always been meaning to write this down...for me, the message is realy powerful that's why i have not forgotten it even though it's been more than a year since i learned the lesson.

everyone's familiar with the story of moses parting the read see and fleeing from the egyptians. as i try to remember this biblical story, it is the image of a younger charlton heston with his red robe and staff in hand standing on a mountain that i remember. this story does not only show God's love for His people, the Israelites, but it also reminds us of God's unlimited power and His unconditional love for His people.

when we are stuck between a rock and a hard place and find ourselves with no where to go, no where to run, this is the best time to drop down on our knees and pray for a miracle. God's response to our prayers requires our total obedience to His will. the "way out" that God has prepared for us may seem impossible...He may very well tell us to part our own personal Red Sea. this may seem impossible, but remember, that all God told Moses was to stretch forth his staff and it will be God that will part the sea for Israel. had moses questioned God's power, had he said, "you're asking me to do what? that's impossible!", the egyptians would have caught up with them. maybe God's asking you to lift and stretch forth your hands in obedience to Him. He will part the Red Sea for you, whatever your Red Sea may be today---wether it be financial problems, heart aches, sickness, or anything else that hinders us from joy and prosperity. we may find ourselves facing these very problems (our Red Sea) and even more problems looming behind us (the Egyptians), but God promises a way for us to escape, better yet, a solution. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His love for Israel is the same love He has for each of us. all He asks us to do is put our faith in Him and obey just like Moses did.

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