Thursday, January 17, 2008

madness meter: days 1 and 2

in connection with (or is it 'in connection to?') the previous blog entry, i will rate my days/nights alone with michelle from a scale of 1 to 10...1 being everything is going perfectly well to 10 being a pulling-the-hair-out-of-my head type of scenario.

don't get me wrong, i love my daughter to bits. but you know how kids can be. i am not the most patient person in the world and i'm home alone with my daughter with no one to help me when she starts acting up. thank God paul will be here from saturday to wednesday!

day 1 was a breeze...i give it a 1. i had the day off so i wasn't tired nor stressed from work.

day 2: i give today a 3. i've had a busy day at work after getting back from bereavement leave. michelle is her same old rambunctious self. our bedroom is ridden with toys and i'm STARVING!

thank you little einsteins for giving me some time to blog. now off to motherhood!

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