Saturday, December 06, 2008

one somber moment

yesterday, it was officially approved and we are sold to bank of America. My heart is heavy as we say goodbye to the name many of us so proudly carried for the last 94 years. I’ve only been a part of this great company for the last 5 years of its colorful history but I really feel as if a part of me has died. maybe I’m being dramatic, maybe this really is for the best, but it’s hard not to feel nostalgic and emotional when something this big happens in your life. I am grateful and blessed to still be here, working for a now combined force of the most powerful financial institution in America (maybe the world), but yet there is this ache deep within me that I can’t quite shake and a longing for the better days that once were, but there is a reason for everything and a time for everything.

I pray for better days ahead for everyone who was part of this company and for those of us that are still left behind.

to all of my merrill lynch family, we are a 'herd apart'! be bullish!!!


laieesha said...

ay ang drama! ano ba yan? at least you still have work no! what's in a name? 'ka nga nila...

ASC said...

shhh wag ka maingay! senti moment yan. =)

punta ka dito bilis!!!!


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